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Lomme Primeurs quality commitments

At Lomme Primeurs, our commitment to excellence goes beyond the boundaries of simple commerce.


 Every day, we strive to exceed expectations by offering high-quality products and services.


At Lomme Primeurs, our values guide us in every aspect of our work, because we are convinced that lasting success stems from a solid, trusting relationship with our customers


We apply strict specifications, imposing European and international standards in order to offer you quality products.

We are delivered every day to guarantee freshness and taste. 

We have a wide range of varieties and are always on the lookout for new products to satisfy you.

We set up partnerships to obtain exclusivity (brand or variety).


At Lomme Primeurs, we are committed to making our brands the benchmark for quality, safety and food hygiene. That's why we take voluntary steps to ensure that we meet standards that are stricter than those currently in force on the French and European markets.

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